With 15 years of expertise in wellness practices and energy healings, I had the privilege to learn the finest ancestral techniques from masters, healers and sages. I work as an energy healer, mind-body therapist and a teacher in many institutions.
Previously, my professional experiences for twenty-five years in the world of Fashion and Luxury for various companies, combined with many multicultural travels, have made me realize that it was necessary to combine good physical and mental balance in order to live life in the healthiest way possible and to approach life with strength and serenity.
THE ZEN WORLD was created, to share my knowledge, bring wellness, harmony and happiness to the world and to ease the state of consciousness. I offer concrete and comprehensive actions to enable you to move towards your goals at your own pace, either through individual appointments, workshops, trainings or conferences.
Our team consists of highly skilled proffesionals in the field of well-being.
Agnieszka Szablonska
Teacher Prevention PSR, Energy Therapist Certified : Mind-Body Therapies; Energy Healing; Essenian Healing; Energy Balancing Therapies , ThetaHealing; Life Energy I; Life Energy II Distance Healing; Energy Balancing Massage Therapy; Sculptural Face Lifting; Massage Therapist (Ayurveda, Authentic Holistic, Lemniscate, Shiatsu, Mother To Be, AMMASeated…); Reiki I, II.