In France, 55%, In USA 62% of employees describe their work as being stressful, and the 3rd most common medical issue reported by occupational health professionals is back pain (43%) and musculoskeletal disorders (29%). Stress affects all occupational categories women and men.

STRESS at work has increased significantly over the years; it may have adverse consequences on the health of employees, but also on the « health » of the company.

STRESS FACTORS: Among the various causes, the main categories are related to :

The context-content of work to be done: work overload.
Work organization: division of labour – the contradiction between the job requirements and the reality of the job requirements.
Labour relations: lack of communication and recognition, authoritarian management.
The physical and technical environment: white noise, lack of space.
The socio-economic environment of the company: uncertainty about the future of the business, thus leading to a negatively-fueled competitive attitude.

STRESS MANAGEMENT TRAINING: The Program and its approach to collective prevention.

Program :

  • To know the  mechanisms and the impact of stress,
  • To identify and control emotions in stressful situations and under work pressure,
  • Learn how to control the cycle-emotions-thoughts tension,
  • Adopt constructive and soothing behaviour,
  • Apply the techniques of physical and mental relaxation,
  • Mobilize individual resources,
  • Create a climate of trust and respect in the professional setting.

The program lasts from 1 to 3 days and is built /based on consultation with the HR department. It is then proposed by the psychologist and reflexologist speaker, is open to all employees of the company and takes into account the specifics of each company.


  • Physical fatigue: headache, muscle and joint pain, sleep disorders, musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), cardiovascular disease.
  • Emotional: sensitivity, anxiety, depression, burnout.
  • Intellectual: disruption of concentration, causing errors, difficulty making decisions or taking initiatives.
  • Behavioural: changes in eating behaviors, aggressive behaviour, withdrawal, cooperation issues.


  • Economic and financial risks : increased absenteeism and higher turnover rates, negative company reputation.
  • Corporate risk: disorganization of work and activity overload, difficulty to replace or recruit staff, social withdrawal, and bad atmosphere non-conducive to productivity.
  • Quality risk: degradation of productivity, motivation, decreased creativity.
  • Legal risks:  harassment lawsuits, trials.

« L’équilibre du corps et la force de l’esprit »