« Aim for the Universe you will understand the Earth »  A.Homé

COSMA MENTAL ART. A Way to Self-Mastery through active meditation. It is an exploration of physical and energetic dimensions of spiritual value.

This simple and deep method allows development of our perception, our field of strength, our energetic dimensions and raises our frequency. This method is aimed at anyone who is concerned about her/his physical, energetic, mental and emotional balance and at anyone who is looking for meaning and evolution for the well-being of all.

We can optimize our energetic body, our health and balance by working with the «Qi» the vital energy the basis of any life form.

In these sessions and classes, we learn and practice breathing, visualization, concentration, movements, and grounding for regenerative, energizing and protective purposes.

This set of simple, realistic and effective tools is suitable to everyone and at all stages of their journey.

This method helps to:

  • Learn about being present and focused
  • Release tension and fatigue, boost our energy
  • Become aware of the subtle and power of our energy body
  • Develop our force field our “aura” airbag
  • Clean, purify our bodies and protect from all kind of agessions .
  • Listen to our inner perceptions so as to be guided more by our intuition
  • Develop intuitive consciousness
  • Understand the fundamental link between mental creation and manifestation
  • Maintain desire and strength to move forward
  • To be at peace and to grow in our different areas of expression and relationships.

Why ?
Because of the constant increase of the demands of modern life, we are faced with daily personal and professional stress. With the uncertainty of the future work, money, familly, we must learn to manage intensive nervous stimuli and deep fatigue that has become chronic and even normal for some. These states that are draining our vitality often are leading to exhaustion.

Sentient beings, creative by nature, must learn to cultivate their energy, to organize their emotional structures while becoming MASTERS OF THEIR THOUGHT. The main idea of this practice is to find peace, inner security and to bring strength and balance in our daily lives, to have a clear vision of the projects and the destination.

It is the path of non-duality that cultivates non-opposition, and non-violence, seeking harmony and balance in all areas. This philosophy is based on tradition of TAO ( balance between YIN and Yaung)

The word COSMA symbolizes the alliance of universal consciousness and creative energy, the inherent interweaving between Man and the Universe.

The proposed discipline and practices help to link the Vital plane, the energy manifested by physical form (our physical body), with the plan of higher Mind: the seat of consciousness and intuition. To channel, activate and nurrish , these different dimensions the source of balance and inner security. These two fundamental keys, balance and security, allow to burn the doubt and help us to concentrate on the creation and organization of our ideas, aspirations and projects.

After the unforgettable encounter in 2014 with Patrick Peytavi and under his mentorship , the torch of these teachings  was passed on to me. The trust, beauty, wisdom, light of his enthralling knowledge taking roots in Tibetan Masters teachings have never ceased to guide me on my path of life. And with evidence in this way that I, in turn pursue that transmission of knowledge and philosophy. 

USA, New York from December 2024 through mid January 2025.

Sessions and pricing
One-on-one :
COSMA: In-person 1:1 , 75 minutes /$180. energy work clearing session.

COSMA COACHING : In-person 1:1, Sessions 2 hours 30min/$360;  5hours/$750. Deep regeneration session and personal guidance. This intensive work of energetic and mental preparation including monthly home work plan, will help you to transform, and learn how to break out of habitual patterns and develop a state of serenity and Self-Mastery.

Group :
COSMA : In-person private group session: 90minuts/$80, 2hours 30min/$150 energy clearing work.

COSMA RETREAT: In-person private group 2-3 days energy clearing/healing retreat. This deep regeneration – energy work will help you to evacuate physical tensions, clear mental and emotional bodies, unblock energetic stagnations and to restore general balance & harmony. Retreat 2days/$300; 3days/$450.

Contact Agnieszka for : INFO & BOOKING

COSMA workshops & classes new dates are coming soon.

« REGENARATION & PROTECTION ». Specific training & coaching, intensive 3 days energy work is designed for therapists, yoga teachers, healthcare proffessionals, leaders and managers, anyone who wish to learn energy work for self-regeneration and biofield protection.

NYC,The River , in-person , 1:1 and group session, members only, Information and booking directly with club manager.

France, Paris:
In-person 1:1 session. Please check the french page Francais COSMA MENTAL ART

« Expend, let go, suspend the tic tac of illusory time, that at the moment of a conscious reading we can become the masters of our systems again » – Alexandre Homé