seated massage

In the professional world, it is a great way to deal with recovery from stress, in a relatively short period of time, allowing for maximum relaxation for a small investment.

THE BENEFITS  are instantaneous and the effects are immediate:

  • Better stress management and communication
  • Recovery and muscle relaxation,
  • Concentration and thus better professional performance,
  • Motivation and increased creativity.


Massage is performed while seated and dressed in an ergonomic chair. Short sessions range from 10 to 20 minutes and these can take place anywhere: in the office, trade shows, events exhibits, conferences etc.


  • Economic: The regular use of massage in the company may reduce absenteeism and improve overall productivity.
  • Social and psychological: strengthens appreciation among your employees, partners and clients and increases loyalty.
  • Prevention: prevents/alleviates musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and therefore the psycho-social risks (RPS) that ensue from chronic pain.


The American massage therapist David Palmer introduced the seated massage idea to companies in the 80s. He was one of the first to introduce this solution, and one of his notable clients is the Apple group. This concept has been having a growing success over the past twenty years.

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